Volatus Aerospace has been enabling teachers and students with 21st Century learning tools and integration strategies since 2017.

Supporting STEAM-based education outcomes through innovative ideas and technology.

Our Vision

In the future, all students will have an opportunity to get their dreams off the ground and become leaders of innovation.

Our Mission

To ensure experienced professionals provide comprehensive, ethical, innovative future-oriented technological education for all students, and that students of all socioeconomic backgrounds are able to receive access to high quality experiential learning opportunities.


Volatus Aerospace educational programming provides a direct link between the drone industry and educators, and enables teachers to effectively meet common core curriculum outcomes through modeling the use of drones safely, meaningfully, and legally.

Volatus Aerospace offers four STEM-based educational programs:

Youth Drone Camp

Introducing students to the incredible opportunities within the current and future drone industry! Students learn about drone safety, regulations and communications, piloting skills, drone racing, photography and videography, coding with drones, and many other highly engaging, and STEM-oriented learning activities.

Students will engage in our “Engineering Studio,” working through the design process, in an attempt to solve an everyday challenge using drones:

“How can we transport this pile of goods from Point A to Point B?”


2-Day Camp: Up to 48 students

3-Day Camp: Up to 72 students

4-Day Camp: Up to 96 students


Students from grades 5-8 can take part in an introduction to the drone industry by engaging in pilot skills development activities, safety, communications, and real-world aerial data collection.

MYdrone is the newest addition to the Volatus Aerospace drone education programming and is offered across North America.

This program is typically run over a period of 4 days, one period per day per class for 4-5 classes per day; therefore, student participation is maximized to 60-100 students.

Students will collect data to create a 3D model of your school that can be 3D-printed, painted, or used for practical purposes (such as identifying cracks, corrosion, roof leaks, etc.).


The Science Experiential Aerial Research (SEAR) program is designed to engage students in future career technologies, with school divisions working in partnership on sustainable community initiatives with industry (Volatus Aerospace), academia, and government entities.

Students in grades 9-12 from across a school district will participate in an active scientific research project, using drones and machine learning tools to solve a relevant sustainability issue within their community, innovating the future.

Your students will take part in ground-breaking scientific research!

Let’s work together to solve Dutch Elm Disease, conduct agricultural research, or identify and classify litter and debris on beaches and in public spaces!

Drones In The Classroom

Professional development for teachers and school administrators to learn how to utilize drone technology as a teaching tool to reach curricular outcomes. There are three components to the program:

Pilot Certification Ground School
~30-40 hours of online, self-study to write the federal pilot certification exam.

Flight Training
1-Day of hands-on flight training on two different RPAS systems (indoor/outdoor), covering knowledge, skills, communication, and planning.

Educator Operations (AERO)
1-Day of hands-on sample lessons and strategies for integrating drone programs in schools, and into achieving curricular objectives in the classroom.

Time Requirement: 2 days of instruction (1 indoor, 1 outdoor).


“After four years of struggling to engage students in trigonometry, I finally figured out that drones could get them excited about learning!”

— Mr. Johnson, Former Mathematics Teacher



Feel free to contact us with any questions.

1 (866) 814-4855